Missionary Bases
Here you will find information on the missons work of the Iberoamerican Region. I hope that it will develope into a place where you can learn about the vision and mission of each mission work as well as receive updates and contact information.
Amazonas – Meet Darion and Drytsa and their family. The serve deep in the Amazon basin on the border between Colombia and Peru. They have two critical focuses – training leaders and pastors for the region and planting churches among the people of the region.
Alaska – Meet Juanfer and his wife. Juanfer is trained as an aviation mechanic. They hope to move to Anchorage, Alaska and work with a group there planting churches among the Hispanic population.
Fotizo – Meet Dani. She is currently finishing up her training in theological education. Her goal is to serve in Fotizo, which is a Muslim country.
Guajira – Meet Jose and Adriana. The live in the town of Maicao and work with two groups, the wanju in Guajira and with Muslims in the town where they live. Their goal is to plant churchs among these groups. They have now planted three.
India – In 2023 a group of three leaders and two young leaders visited India to explore the possibility of sending missionaries to this part of the world. On of them hopes to work in the medical field and the other in education.
Japan – Maya attended the cross-cultural training in the Amazon in 2016. God has now called her to go to Japan to serve. Plans are underway for her to go this year.
SE Asia – Meet Sonaildo and Soraya. They are from Brazil and have been called to serve in SE Asia. They are currently in Sri Lanka serving the church there with a goal of also working in Bangledesh.
Spain – We have a family and two individuals that are being called to work in Spain. Crisitan and Paula along with the daughter hope to serve as tentmakers with the goal of planting churches. They are from Colombia. Lourdes and Lucy are from Peru and sense God’s call to serve in Spain. All of them participated in the cross-cultural traing event in Spain.
Uruguay – This project is currently being developed by our church in Chile. The goal is to send a couple to do church planting.