Cultural Learning

Theology of Inconvenience

Come join me as I explore those things that make life difficult and sometimes impossible for those who have chosen to serve in culture and place far from home. Things that can cause culture shock and failure if not identified and overcome.

Cultural Empathy

This is a manual to help guide people in the process of entering a new culture and learning a new language.

Portals: Opening our hearts and minds to ministry among Muslims

This is a short review of key concepts of Islam and how better to share the gospel with them.

Letters from the ends of the earth – Part 2

Unique autobiography of the life of missionaries Perry and Nancy Hubbard given in the form of letters home. Each letter has key questions in dealing with a key issue raised in the letter. Hardcover:

Letters from the ends of the earth – Part 1

Unique autobiography of the life of missionaries Perry and Nancy Hubbard given in the form of letters home. Each letter has key questions in dealing with a key issue raised in the letter. Hardcover:

Cultural Empathy

A guide to help one begin to learn a new language and culture