Despertar Misionero
On this page you will find photos of a unique camp I have had the privilege of participating in. It is called Despertar Misionero or Awakening Missionary. This is a camp of all ages from ages 14 to 80+. Pastors and church leaders are often present as campers. The focus is on teaching missions to all who come and call them into the harvest field. Every participant is expected to participate in some type of mission and evangelism activity in the year following the camp. Enjoy the pictures and pray with me as God continues to call people to His mission.
Camp 2023 – This year I prepared borscht which is soup type meal from Russia. They had to climb through a sponge door which represented the challenges faced in entering another culture. They also were given puzzles that were missing pieces. They had to go find the pieces from other groups. Also there was a special trail to the bathrooms which made the trip about three times as long as normal. What do you think that represents?
Camp 2022 – This year I prepared falafel and various breads from the middle east. Every person had to wear a large plastic bag to represent how in some countries everyone wears the same clothes and indivituality is restricted. Traditions are the key to living.
Camp 2019 – Each year I am allowed to change the camp rules for a day to help them experience a little of what culture shock is. This year I invited my friend Vickram from Guyana to help me make Curry and Roti. His presence added another level to what it means to enter a new culture and become acquainted with the people. this year there were restricted areas, penalty areas, and the challenge of pulling a long rope in every activity without getting it tangled.
Camp 2018 – Perry’s country is now and official part of camp when I am invited to attend. This year I prepared pepperpot a traditional Christmas meal from Guyana. I also made cassava bread which was quite a challenge. Every one was given two balloons to care for. Breaking a balloon was penalized. A deflated balloon created penalties as well.
Camp 2017 – This was my second camp at the new location. It was at this camp I added a new feature. I planned and cooked a meal from another country. The first meal was Peanut Soup from Sierra Leone and they had a choice from mild spice to hot spice. Their reaction to the food was judged. if they made a face or complained their team was penalized.
Camp 2016 This was my second camp and it was in a new location. It was at this camp that Pais de Perry (Perry’s Country) was introduced and I was allowed to change the rules of the camp as part of my presentation and cross-cultural ministry. I divided the meeting area up in to areas and separated male and female. they were not allowed to enter each others territory or speak to a person of the opposite sex without a go between.
Camp 2010 – This was the first camp I was invited to participate in. The location was on a farm in a semi-remote location.