
Spain is a nation strategically located where we can extend the reign of God to the different nations of Europe, Africa, and Asia. The goal is to establish links to obtain different goals of promoting a church that is theologically healthy, Christ Centered, and missional.
Biblical Spain appears twice in the letter to the Romans in Chapter 15 verses 24 and 28. It was important to Paul to travel to this place and extend the reign of God. Although the New Testament does not say if Paul reached this place, he gave us an important task, to carry the gospel to this place. I want to say that you and I have the opportunity to write and impact the history of a nation that has remained historically and has influenced the world.
For many years God has been working in the hearts of individuals and families that love, want and will be to carry the evangel to Spain. These people are you and I who can do this when we pray for and give with those who go and the churches who send them.
Let us share together in the international missionary project of Spain for the extension of the Reign of God. Objectives:
- Planting churches in strategic places, like Madrid, Valencia, Tarragona
- Work spiritually with native Spanish to create bridges of understanding and faith
- Restoring Latinos, giving help and restauration to those who have lost their way spiritually.
- Training missionaries preparing them for the cross-cultural challenge they will face.
- Provide a place of rest for missionaries serving in the field.
Form a network of churches in Spain that are communities to help in the spiritual transformation of Europe staring with our missionary base.
Establish churches in Europe, restore faith, train missionaries, and offer help to those serving from our international missionary base.